
Radiology Schools in Utah

Becoming a radiology tech in Utah starts with getting a formal education in radiologic science. Radiologic technologists are tasked with capturing images of the body using cutting edge technology to be used in the process of diagnosis. If you are thinking of pursuing a radiology degree in Utah, you have the option of pursuing a certificate, associate, or bachelor’s degree. The most popular route to an entry-level job in radiology is to complete an associate degree. Upon completion, you will want to become certified through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists and become licensed to work in the state. You can start by requesting information from schools below. For information on specific careers in the field, check out the links below:

Utah Schools with Radiology Programs

  • Dixie State University (Saint George)
  • Salt Lake Community College (Salt Lake City)
  • Weber State University (Ogden)

How to Become a Radiologic Technologist in Utah


Becoming a radiology worker in Utah requires both a college degree and state licensure. Here are some basic steps students will need to take in order to start working as a radiologic technologist in Utah:

  1. Earn a high school diploma. Much like most careers in health care, a high school education is the first step to finding entry-level employment. Students should consider taking classes in math and science, such as anatomy, biology, chemistry, physiology, and physics, in order to get a jump-start on their college studies.
  2. Earn an associate degree. Entry-level radiologic technologists typically possess at least an Associate of Applied Science degree. Before enrolling in one of these programs, students should make sure it is properly accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
  3. Get licensed or certified in the state of Utah. Visit the Utah state website to learn more about state-specific licensing requirements, For information about the certification process, contact the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT).

Radiology Salary in Utah

The following chart lists several radiology careers along with their corresponding mean annual salary in Utah. Please note that wages will vary depending on experience, training, and other factors.

CareerTotal EmploymentAnnual Mean Wage
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians340N/A
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers50075,940
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists19062,490
Nuclear Medicine Technologists10074,010
Radiologic Technologists1,38056,830

Source: 2016 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2016-26 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Additional Resources for Utah Radiology Techs

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