
Radiology Schools in Rhode Island

Most radiologic jobs in Rhode Island likely require getting an education from an accredited radiology school. Radiology workers play a significant role in helping uncover illnesses and diseases through their skill at imaging various anatomical structures inside the body. These images are used by physicians in attempts to make an accurate diagnosis for their patients. Radiologic workers include technologists, sonographers and medical imaging workers, to name just a few.

Use our resources below to start you radiology career path today, and learn about radiology careers such as:

Rhode Island Schools with Radiology Programs

Here are a couple of schools in Rhode Island that have at least one radiology program available, according to the National Center for Education Statistics:

  • Community College of Rhode Island (Warwick)
  • Rhode Island College (Providence)

It helps to visit schools, if you can, for information from the source. Or, explore the listing of schools we’re providing.

How to Become a Radiologic Technologist in Rhode Island

To start or continue a career path as a radiologic technologist, postsecondary education is typically required, as well as getting a state license. To become a radiologic technologist in Rhode Island, these steps can help get you going:

  1. Earn a high school diploma – This is typically the first step for a health care-related job. The U.S Department of Labor’s  Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) recommends that students take classes in math and science, such as trigonometry, statistics, chemistry, anatomy, biology, physiology, and physics.
  2. Earn an associate degree –  The Associate of Applied Science degree is common among radiologic technologists, and you should make sure your program has been accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT).
  3. Get licensed or certified in RI- Search using our resources for more details on requirements, and check out the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) to learn more.

It can help to connect with someone local who works in radiology, for firsthand feedback about a radiology career in Rhode Island.

Radiology Salary in Rhode Island

Here is a snapshot of what you might expect to make working in the field of radiology in Rhode Island, per data from the BLS:

CareerTotal EmploymentAnnual Mean Wage
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians38071,920
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers24079,870
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists17075,130
Nuclear Medicine Technologists5088,460
Radiologic Technologists1,00068,300

Source: 2016 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2016-26 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Additional Rhode Island Radiology Resources

Rhode Island Radiological Society 47 Yucca Lane
Placitas, NM 87043

Radiation Control Bureau
Rhode Island Environment Department
Harold S. Runnels Building, Room S2100
1190 St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, Rhode Island 87505-4173
(505) 476-3264

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