
Radiology Bachelor's Degree

A radiology bachelor’s degree is designed to prepare you for leadership roles such as Lead Radiologic Technologist, Radiology Program Director, or Radiology Trainer. In addition to leadership roles, a bachelors degree in this field can help set the foundation for further career development in roles such as Radiologist assistant. Earning a four-year degree is usually a gateway to significantly higher salaries in the health care industry, and could also lead to a greater spectrum of possibilities within this career.

Career in Radiology

If you are just getting started in a radiology career, a radiology bachelor’s degree may not be as necessary. In fact most who begin in the profession first earn an associate degree, certificate, or diploma, then later in their career may complete a bachelor’s degree in radiology. However, a bachelor’s degree may be a way to set yourself apart from the rest. Below are some radiology and medical imaging programs at the bachelor’s level. Be sure to check our list of radiology technician schools or find a school in your state.

Not finding the radiology bachelor’s degree that is right for you? Check out our radiology degrees page for more options.

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