
Radiology Schools in South Carolina

Attending a radiology school in South Carolina can be a great way to start a radiology career in the state. Depending on the career you choose to pursue, there are certificate, associate or bachelor’s degree programs offered by South Carolina schools. To see more information about various careers in the field, check out the careers below:

In the article below you will learn about South Carolina schools that offer radiology programs, how to start a career in the field and the average salaries for several radiology professions.

South Carolina Schools with Radiology Programs

Below you can see a list of radiology schools in South Carolina, along with the city each school is located in. This is a great place to start looking to find a radiology program in South Carolina that meets your needs.

  • Aiken Technical College (Graniteville)
  • Florence-Darlington Technical College (Florence)
  • Greenville Technical College (Greenville)
  • Horry-Georgetown Technical College (Conway)
  • Midlands Technical College (West Columbia)
  • Orangeburg Calhoun Technical College (Orangeburg)
  • Piedmont Technical College (Greenwood)
  • Spartanburg Community College (Spartanburg)
  • Technical College of the Lowcountry (Beaufort)
  • Trident Technical College (Charleston)
  • York Technical College (Rock Hill)

How to Become a Radiologic Technologist in South Carolina

If you are interested in becoming a radiologic technologist, read the following steps below. Note that in addition to a college degree, this career requires licensing or certification in most states.

  1. Earn a high school diploma. The path to a radiologic technologist career begins in high school.  While students are still in high school, they can begin to take classes that will set them on the right path for a career in the radiology career. The Bureau of Labor Statistics recommends high school students take classes in science and math. These can include physics, anatomy, biology and chemistry. Earning a high school diploma will help students move on to the next step of earning a college degree.
  2. Graduate from a radiology program. Next, students earn an associate degree from a program accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT). Many radiologic technologists commonly choose to earn an Associate of Applied Science degree.
  3. Get licensed or certified in South Carolina. Upon completing a radiology program in South Carolina, you will need to pass the exam administered by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) and then become licensed through the state. Research the licensing requirements in South Carolina by visiting the state website as well as the ARRT website.

Radiology Salary in South Carolina

There are many different careers in the field of radiology, and salaries for each profession vary. Below you can see the salaries in South Carolina for some prominent radiology careers.

CareerTotal EmploymentAnnual Mean Wage
Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians95056,630
Diagnostic Medical Sonographers69064,820
Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technologists52061,400
Nuclear Medicine Technologists27069,700
Radiologic Technologists3,60052,170

Source: 2016 Occupational Employment Statistics and 2016-26 Employment Projections, Bureau of Labor Statistics,

Additional Resources for South Carolina Radiology Techs

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