Looking for a radiology program? Whether you are looking to get started in radiology or further your career, there is a radiology program for you. We have put together an overview of radiology programs, degrees, and specializations to get you acquainted with your educational options. Find a program that works for you and request information from schools.
Browse our radiology programs by degree level and request information from a school to learn more. We’ve also included specific degree options within each category to get you better acquainted with the program names. It is important to note that schools have different naming conventions for their radiology programs. If you are unsure about the particulars of a program, we recommend you request information from that school and discuss it with a representative. Not sure which degree level is right for you? Check out our radiology degree comparison chart.
The field of radiology offers several paths and specialties depending on your individual interests. Click on the links below to find out more about areas that interest you. Learn what degree level it takes to get a job in these radiology programs and or find out more about the technology you will be using.
The types of imaging and therapy procedures have expanded dramatically over the past 20 years. Within each main imaging modality, there are several specific procedures that can be performed. In order to understand where it all fits together, we created chart to help you understand the various main and subcategories within the field of radiology. For a detailed understanding, check out our radiology specializations page.
Getting started as a Medical Assistant is another popular way to get your feet wet in a healthcare work environment while gaining basic skills in limited x-ray functions. Many schools are now offering Medical Assistant programs with limited x-ray education as another certificate option. The program has gained popularity because of the versatility of the position and it’s especially useful for those who would like to work in a physicians office. The variety of skills you gain allows you to be of greater use in a physicians office where medical imaging is not always the primary task during the day. Starting as a Medical Assistant with limited x-ray is also a popular option for individuals looking for an all online education option so that their current job and income will not be disrupted. There are many medical assistant programs available online.